Saturday, November 24, 2007

Browsing The Side Streets of Paris

Paris has its side streets and its unique pleasures one of which is the brocante. Brocantes are a particularly French diversion—some are true antiques markets, some more like flea markets, and they can move right on down to what the French call “vide greniers” which means “empty attics”. There are always lots of them in the summer in Paris but fewer in the winter, so when we read of one on Saturday and Sunday in one of Paris’ most interesting areas, we had to go. The day was cold but sunny and the market huge and sprawling all around the Temple square and on the side streets leading to it.
We had a great time browsing the booths, chatting with friendly brocanteurs, and making the occasional purchase when we simply couldn’t resist. The cold finally drove us in to a nearby café for coffee and chocolate. We were sitting near the window when Bonnie noticed the couple at the next table. "Look at that cute dog behind you." she said, and Linda quickly took a picture of a sweet little Jack Russel Terrier sitting on the chair at the table with its head nestled in a warm coat and muffler, fast asleep. The young man sitting closest to us then said, in good American English, “Can you tell us the difference between a café au lait and a café crème?” So we did, and this led to further conversation. Jesse and Art were from Asheville, North Carolina, and the dog was Maggie the Wonderdog. Maggie is famous, has been on Jay Leno’s television show, and is extraordinary in her mathematical ability, adding, substracting, multiplying and dividing. She has other talents as well. . Maggie's owners, along with Maggie, were in France to be on a local TV show where Maggie is to perform. Maggie’s web site is , where anyone can see see clips from several of her shows, including Jay Leno’s. The owner told us that she didn't even really teach Maggie how to count, that she learned on her own. Although you never know who you will meet at a cafe in Paris, and it will usually be someone interesting, Maggie is our favorite celebrity café encounter.

1 comment:

Mary said...

This will be a fun ride with you Linda - and hello to Bonnie.

I was just in Asheville for Thanksgiving - wish that couple had been home with that cute dog so we could have met!!!

Looking forward to visiting new places with you - especially love to see what's available at the brocantes - I'm hoping to get back over there next year to visit my brother near Carcassonne.